Traveling Art of Sisterhood Retreat 2018

Retreat Teachers photo

The Traveling Art of Sisterhood

September 29 – October 4, 2018

Scottsdale, AZ

Registration is Open

Kara Bullock is (once again) bringing together a magnificent and wondrous group of beautiful souls for a week-long celebration of women and creativity. We will laugh, play, create, cry, share stories, learn from one another, and build connections that will leave a lifelong imprint on our hearts.  I am beyond thrilled to be a part of this magical experience again in 2018.

This year, I will be teaching alongside Jennifer Albin, Jennifer Bonneteau, Denise Braun, Sara Burch, Kiala Givehand, Ivy Newport, Muriel Stegers, Lauren Rudolph, Tiare Smith Woods, and of course, Kara Bullock.

Join us as we come together to continue spreading light, hope, strength, and love to all of our fellow sisters in this world. Together, we will create a never-ending bond through the sharing of life, love and art.

Click here to learn all about this incredible experience!